Navigating Conferences & Publications, 2018-2019

website logo, pointed feetIn the past year, we’ve been busy not only working on this site, but also writing and talking about it. Our articles and conference papers have helped us clarify our vision and goals, and more importantly, put us in conversation with a broader community of practice in feminist digital humanities and modernist studies.

In Spring 2018 we completed our co-authored essay about the project, “Digital Baedeker: A Feminist Experiment with Mina Loy’s Archive” for the volume The Contemporary Poetry Archive, edited by Linda Anderson, Mark Byers, and Ahren Warner (Edinburgh UP, July 2019). In addition, we co-authored an essay, “Feminist Designs: Modernist Digital Humanities & Mina Loy: Navigating the Avant-Garde,” which was published in Feminist Modernist Studies, in a special issue devoted to Feminist Modernist Digital Humanities (DOI: 10.1080/24692921.2018.1505255).

In November 2018, we showcased in the Digital Exhibition at the Modernist Studies Association conference in Columbus. Suzanne spoke about the project in a roundtable on “Feminist Designs: Visualizing the Future of Modernist Digital Humanities,” organized by Amanda Golden (New York Institute of Technology) and moderated by Shawna Ross (Texas A&M University). Linda included discussion of the project in her conference presentation, “Light Years With Loy,” as part of a roundtable devoted to long-term critical work with a single woman poet entitled “Taking Our Feminist Time: Years Spent with a Woman Poet,” organized by Linda and Debra Mix (Ball State University).

We also featured the website at the “Mina Loy and Trans-Atlantic Surrealism” panel, organized by Susan, Linda, and fellow Loy scholar Sarah Hayden, author of Curious Disciplines: Mina Loy and Avant-Garde Artisthood (University of New Mexico Press, 2018), at the inaugural SURREALISMS conference sponsored by  the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism) at Bucknell University, November 1-3, 2018. The panelists discussed Loy’s surrealist artwork, Loy and the surrealist walk, and Loy’s surrealist novel Insel, and were delighted to discover several other presentations at the conference that also featured Mina Loy.